Words to Describe tillers
How tillers often is described ("________ tillers")
- sedentary
- patient
- smaller
- secondary
- present
- land
- original
- dead
- sturdy
- reproductive
- simple
- peaceful
- intelligent
- primitive
- earth
- infected
- subsurface
- formed
- the
- many
- power
- more
- young
- floral
- abundant
- productive
- obscure
- late
- real
- roto
- primary
- small
- vegetative
- lowly
- fewer
- live
- genuine
- ordinary
- settled
- few
- infested
- fertile
- mechanical
- bearing
- free
- muslim
- green
- humble
- mere
- new
- humbler
- honest
- unproductive
- industrious
- hardy
- actual
- native
- effective
- nodal
- mature
- numerous
- unfree
- independent
- poor
- rotary
- individual
- diligent
- busy
- landless
- erect