How to Use survivorship in a Sentence
Then there’s survivorship bias; what about all the people who jumped ship, went all in with the shiny object and didn’t win big?
—Jodie Cook, Forbes, 20 Feb. 2023
And in the event that they are struck, there's a higher likelihood of survivorship.
—David Pogue, CBS News, 13 Oct. 2024
At the beginning of the game, Rugai announces each survivor’s name and the length of her survivorship.
—Eliza Fawcett,, 5 July 2019
When a spouse passes away and the spouses owned their home with right of survivorship, should the surviving spouse go to probate to sell the house?
—Gary Singer, Sun Sentinel, 5 May 2022
In the joint tenants with rights of survivorship arrangement, on the death of one tenant, the survivor will, by law, own the entire house.
—Benny L. Kass,, 3 Apr. 2018
Even so, the law provided at least one strong protection for the wife — survivorship.
—Gary Singer,, 3 Mar. 2022
If anything, survivorship seemed to increase in old age.
—Elizabeth Preston, Discover Magazine, 9 Sep. 2011
Those who are expelled may feel a sense of betrayal, while those who remain can be consumed by the guilt of survivorship.
—Siddhartha Mukherjee, WSJ, 17 Dec. 2021
The fine print stipulates a right of refusal, right of survivorship and, of course, a perpetuity clause.
—Christopher Elliott, Forbes, 18 June 2022
Most of the case-study protagonists who come through Stanford reflect the survivorship bias of entrepreneurs who have made it.
—Andy Dunn, Fortune, 7 Oct. 2024
If the account holders are joint tenants with right of survivorship, then the other holders become the owners of the account.
—Virginia Hammerle, Dallas News, 10 Apr. 2020
My financial planner says the rules on survivorship have changed.
—Liz Weston, oregonlive, 25 Feb. 2023
In a world seen through the forgiving lens of survivorship bias, most mutual funds and tech stocks may be above average.
—IEEE Spectrum, 29 Oct. 2010
Then will come the aftermath: the heart-rending stories of loss; the harrowing stories of survivorship.
—David Frum, The Atlantic, 26 Aug. 2017
That is what Mitchell and Trask were doing, along with a palpable and surely timeless embrace of survivorship.
—Chris Jones,, 19 June 2019
The rising rates also raise questions about what happens to younger patients in survivorship.
—Lindsey Bever, Washington Post, 31 July 2024
Similar to the West Health/Hopkins report, there is a strong survivorship bias in looking at the largest of any industry and extracting trends.
—John Stanford, STAT, 16 Dec. 2019
Natural foods such as acorns, skunk cabbage and grubs are abundant and bears’ reproductive success and the survivorship of cubs are both high.
—Jesse Leavenworth,, 25 Mar. 2022
The responsible thing is usually to choose survivorship rights, even though the payout will be lower.
—Neal Templin, WSJ, 3 June 2021
The job of nurse navigator doesn’t end after survivorship.
—Claire Goodman, Houston Chronicle, 14 Oct. 2020
They are used by scientists to study growth, survivorship and fish movement and have been inserted into some brown trout within the Colorado River.
—The Arizona Republic, 1 Mar. 2024
The two options are tenants in common — where each owns an indivisible half of the property — or joint tenants with rights of survivorship.
—Benny L. Kass,, 3 Apr. 2018
At this stage of your life, therapy can help you to integrate all of the varied strands of your past, and finally — to celebrate your impressive survivorship!
—Amy Dickinson,, 24 Aug. 2022
At this stage of your life, therapy can help you to integrate all of the varied strands of your past, and finally – to celebrate your impressive survivorship!
—Amy Dickinson, cleveland, 24 Aug. 2022
Three decades ago, survivorship was relatively rare; cancer survivors made up 1.4% of the population three decades ago, but now make up 5%.
—Yuki Noguchi, NPR, 18 Sep. 2024
As the population of kids who beat cancer grows, health experts are calling for more emphasis on survivorship care.
—Adrianna Rodriguez, USA TODAY, 28 July 2023
The survivorship program is about looking ahead, looking forward.
—Nancy Shohet West,, 10 May 2018
Snakeheads reproduce twice a year and both parents closely guard their offspring, which is unusual for our fish fauna, and that has led to high levels of survivorship.
—National Geographic, 17 Mar. 2016
Without it, if one spouse dies, the other automatically inherits the other half – known as the right of survivorship.
—Janna Herron, USA TODAY, 7 Aug. 2019
The manager says that one of the powerful characteristics of this selection process is that investors benefit from survivorship bias as their portfolio isn’t always going to be the same 500 companies.
—Karl Rogers, Forbes, 31 Oct. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'survivorship.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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