How to Use slingshot in a Sentence
The meek David slayed the mighty Goliath with a slingshot.
—Will Larkin,, 31 Aug. 2019
Short of that, the little slingshot is just a lot of fun.
—Sophie Weiner, Popular Mechanics, 3 Feb. 2017
The fan had a little slingshot in his form but banked it in.
—Scott Horner, The Indianapolis Star, 29 Nov. 2022
Something’s gotta slingshot the night into the next phase.
—Allison P. Davis, The Cut, 3 July 2018
The SkyCoaster -- one of those arched, slingshot swings -- claims to be the world’s largest such rides.
—Michael Casagrande | [email protected], al, 30 Dec. 2019
All of a sudden, David had a bazooka instead of a slingshot.
—Kevin Sherrington, Dallas News, 26 June 2023
Downstairs, the security forces used a slingshot and the butt of a gun to break through the doors.
—Victoria Milko and Kristen Gelineau, USA TODAY, 8 May 2021
The sport and sport + dial allows for three modes, and once revs hit about 3,000 rpm the car slingshots ahead.
—Robert Duffer,, 30 May 2018
The brother then grabbed another rock, placed it in his slingshot and struck the man again, this time in the chest.
—Artemis Moshtaghian, CNN, 15 May 2023
The two slingshot teams are slow to react and the intruders breeze past Zone 1.
—Nick Caruso, TVLine, 28 June 2024
But just as that selloff was overblown, some fear the price slingshot might be getting out of hand.
—Matt Egan, CNN, 26 Feb. 2021
Each turn was like being in a Hot Wheels car just released from a slingshot on a toy track.
—Michelle R. Martinelli, USA TODAY, 27 May 2017
The corn maze, hayrides, kiddie train and slingshot cost extra.
—Melissa Santos, Axios, 9 Oct. 2024
That lasted until 2004, when a high school boy with a slingshot shattered some of the panes.
—Washington Post, 18 Aug. 2019
To create the giant slingshot, the team strung a cord across the lake and hooked participants to it.
—The Editors, Outside Online, 18 June 2015
Meanwhile, Lucas gets brave and holds a slingshot like a weapon.
—Nicole Saunders, Harper's BAZAAR, 20 Mar. 2019
But part of his rehab has been getting his mind and spirit back to the place that fired those slingshots.
—Nate Atkins, The Indianapolis Star, 18 Jan. 2024
Groups mostly of young men advanced to the border and hurled rocks with slingshots from behind the clouds of smoke.
—Loveday Morris, Washington Post, 6 Apr. 2018
But even in a solitary hideout, the mind still launched thoughts at itself like a slingshot.
—Jamie Kreiner, Time, 5 Jan. 2023
The hole did not appear to be large enough for a firearm, but instead for a pellet from a slingshot or a BB gun.
—, 18 Oct. 2017
Goliaths down to size would take more than one slingshot — and likely, many years.
—Washington Post, 29 June 2021
Ball bearings and a slingshot were recovered in a search of the man’s home, police said.
—Don Sweeney, Sacramento Bee, 26 May 2024
Thomas -- and the Celtics -- will need much more than a slingshot to take down the Eastern Conference Goliath.
—Chris Fedor,, 17 May 2017
The weed in those days arrived on speedboats, through tunnels and even by slingshot.
—Washington Post, 8 Aug. 2021
Arrows flew here, there through the air; blood gushed and flowed; Darts, stones, and javelins were hurled by ballistae and slingshots.
—William Gurstelle, Popular Mechanics, 6 May 2019
But this is the NFL, and the guns of August have been known to turn into slingshots once the real fighting begins.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 30 Aug. 2019
Club members used a slingshot to get a line up in one tree, then found another tree to anchor the end of it.
—Denise Coffey,, 8 July 2019
This slingshot supports a range of shooting styles, too.
—Jim Cobb, Field & Stream, 13 Sep. 2023
The Professional Series will really pop your toast or bagel out like a slingshot once it’s done.
—Megan Wahn, Bon Appétit, 15 Nov. 2024
Weekends bring laser tag (weather permitting) and an apple slingshot.
—Melissa Santos, Axios, 9 Oct. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'slingshot.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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