How to Use questionnaire in a Sentence
The point of the questionnaire was not to achieve a balance of opinion.
—Sarah Watling, Time, 13 July 2023
Some screenings ask both the parent and the child to fill out the questionnaire.
—Praveena Somasundaram, Washington Post, 20 Oct. 2022
The census questionnaire is mailed out en masse for the first time.
—Cnn Editorial Research, CNN, 28 Apr. 2021
Fill out the questionnaire below or email [email protected] to get in touch.
—Jenny Deam, ProPublica, 8 May 2021
Of those who took part in the questionnaire, only 1.5% had yet to make up their minds on how to vote in the election.
—Kyle Morris, Fox News, 10 Sep. 2021
Juan Sanchez did not respond to the Globe’s questionnaire.
—Globe Staff,, 31 Oct. 2022
Just fill out a questionnaire about your clothing needs and pay a small $20 styling fee.
—John Thompson, Men's Health, 19 Dec. 2022
Input can be sent through the questionnaire to the Clean Water Board through Nov. 19.
—From Usa Today Network and Wire Reports, USA TODAY, 27 Oct. 2021
As part of that check, Mr. Benjamin on Aug. 16 filled out a questionnaire.
—New York Times, 30 Apr. 2022
At the end of the study, they were asked to fill out a questionnaire about their experience with the new lenses.
—Korin Miller, Verywell Health, 7 Dec. 2023
The screening includes a questionnaire, a TB skin test and chest X-ray.
—Melody Schreiber, NPR, 2 May 2024
No one wants to fill out a questionnaire in the middle of a festival.
—Rolling Stone Culture Council, Rolling Stone, 29 Mar. 2022
Any questions or feedback can be sent to [email protected], or read more about the questionnaire process here.
—Baltimore Sun, 22 June 2022
Participants took questionnaires about their sleep habits at the start of the study.
—Thomas G. Moukawsher, Newsweek, 6 Nov. 2024
Each item in the questionnaire carries a score, and the sum determines the number of stars awarded.
—Dhananjay Khadilkar, Ars Technica, 29 Dec. 2021
To conduct the survey, Pew sent a questionnaire to 233 call centers across the country.
—Eric Levenson, CNN, 26 Oct. 2021
The author fills out a questionnaire to help the designers get a sense of the author’s thoughts throughout the writing process.
—Carly Tagen-Dye,, 15 Oct. 2024
At the very least the questionnaire should have had input from attorneys.
—Peter J Reilly, Forbes, 6 June 2022
Geigert did not respond to the Union-Tribune’s questionnaire.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 23 Oct. 2022
Some, like UW-La Crosse, used a survey or questionnaire to poll students.
—Devi Shastri, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 17 Sep. 2021
In the app, all will be required to complete a health questionnaire within the 12-hour window leading up to tipoff.
—Jamal Collier,, 29 Apr. 2021
The in-person part may require a symptom questionnaire to be filled out in advance.
—Katia Hetter, CNN, 3 June 2021
The loan application is the same questionnaire as last year.
—Natalie Walters, Dallas News, 21 July 2021
Keep in mind that some of the kits featured here may require completing a short questionnaire about the teen on your shopping list.
—Mariah Thomas, Good Housekeeping, 3 Dec. 2022
People can also leave the city with just a green QR code that is obtained by filling out a health questionnaire.
—Aditi Sangal, CNN, 24 Jan. 2022
To take part, all Conor has to do is film himself from various angles and fill in a brief questionnaire: What is your name?
—Damon Wise, Deadline, 2 Feb. 2025
The task force sent a questionnaire to the leaders of all 41 state/regional conventions.
—Dominic Pino, National Review, 3 June 2021
The questionnaire and potential jurors' responses to it have been sealed by the court.
—Tessa Duvall, The Courier-Journal, 8 Feb. 2022
Clayton said the request was made through a questionnaire only and no consultation with the girl.
—Sara Cline and Geoff Mulvihill The Associated Press,, 1 Feb. 2025
The questionnaires were sent on Sunday, with a Monday deadline for completion.
—Alanna Durkin Richer, Chicago Tribune, 2 Feb. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'questionnaire.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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