How to Use pollination in a Sentence
The bees were to be used for pollination of food crops on the West Coast, Arthur said.
—Landon Mion, Fox News, 3 July 2022
That's cross-pollination and ideas and eyes on the street.
—Grant Segall,, 1 Feb. 2018
At its worst, the movie feels like a cross-pollination of a film like that with Field of Dreams and Space Jam.
—Todd Vanderwerff, Vox, 3 July 2018
Of course the big change for me is the cross-pollination between fashion and streetwear.
—Steff Yotka, Vogue, 11 Jan. 2019
For those who want to support the bees and have a hive for pollination, there are options.
—, 6 Aug. 2021
There’s a fair amount of cross-pollination between the two shows.
—Jason Asenap, Smithsonian Magazine, 9 Aug. 2021
Bees have to be around and flowers have to bloom at the same time for pollination to work, and hawks need to migrate at the same time as their prey.
—CBS News, 17 Apr. 2018
Hand pollination must occur on that day, or the pod will not form.
—Carole Kotkin, miamiherald, 13 June 2018
With fewer rows, pollination may be less than 100% and some ears will be less than full.
—Joshua Siskin, Orange County Register, 20 June 2024
One of the problems sometimes noted is the flowers may not be ready for cross-pollination at the same time.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 12 Dec. 2020
Children follow the journey from seed pollination to the stages of plant growth.
—Dawn Guest,, 26 Apr. 2017
There has been a fair amount of cross-pollination within the sales teams of the big digital and TV players.
—Lara O’Reilly, WSJ, 4 Aug. 2017
This kickstarts the pollination process and seeds will begin to spread.
—Karl Schneider, The Indianapolis Star, 29 Feb. 2024
The idea is to attract flies and beetles for pollination.
—Martin Weil, Washington Post, 23 July 2024
The vanilla farms keep the vines close for pollination, but the clove and cinnamon trees more or less grow wild and look like jungle.
—Matt Allyn, Popular Mechanics, 25 Apr. 2018
Use it as a tool to teach your children about nature and pollination.
—charlotteobserver, 5 June 2017
This should lead to cross-pollination and better fruit yields.
—Debbie Arrington, sacbee, 15 Dec. 2017
If the grapes that are full sized in the cluster are ripening OK and taste sweet, your clusters had a problem with pollination.
—oregonlive, 15 Sep. 2019
That pollination has been going on in Nelson’s head for a long time.
—Joe Klopus, kansascity, 16 Feb. 2018
This may be the first case of rat pollination where flower petals are the draw, according to the scientists.
—New York Times, 22 June 2022
The inspiration is pollination, the changing of the seasons and the passing of time.
—Grace Banks, Forbes, 29 Nov. 2023
Cross-pollination is a growing trend in the design world.
—J. George Gorant, Robb Report, 7 Sep. 2021
In about two weeks, if the pollination was successful, a fruit will start swelling from the female flower.
—Ap McClatchy, The Mercury News, 10 July 2019
A two-mile hike for age 16 and older to identify species and learn about pollination.
—Washington Post, 1 June 2017
As Imhoof points out, one third of the world’s food supply is dependent on pollination by bees.
—Peter Keough,, 11 July 2019
The plant would be incapable of self-pollination, and would not need to be detasseled at all.
—Julian Epp, The New Republic, 5 Nov. 2021
To a sponge like Dylan, this cross-pollination of artists mattered.
—New York Times, 24 May 2021
Insects do most of the heavy lifting for pollination, but some bird species and a few mammals are involved.
—Jim Williams, Star Tribune, 13 Apr. 2021
Successful pollination occurs when pollen meets the sticky central part of a flower, known as the stigma.
—Heather Zidack, Hartford Courant, 11 Jan. 2025
These charges were stronger than those measured in other insects, according to the study authors, and would be strong enough to trigger pollination without touching flowers.
—Will Sullivan, Smithsonian Magazine, 2 Aug. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'pollination.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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