How to Use pick up the pieces in a Sentence
pick up the pieces
The solution has been to let mom and dad alone pick up the pieces.
—Daniel Henninger, WSJ, 18 May 2022
Mary and one to Copley — and Davis was left trying to pick up the pieces.
—Joe Magill, cleveland, 17 Nov. 2022
Even as the fire raged, residents began to pick up the pieces of their lives.
—Washington Post, 19 Mar. 2022
He was frustrated and shocked, but left to pick up the pieces with a broken group.
—Kevin Reynolds, The Salt Lake Tribune, 22 Oct. 2022
Your venue may have gotten the grants and SVOG and been able to pick up the pieces; that’s still a long recovery.
—Annie Zaleski, Variety, 14 July 2022
Any deep closers with something left in the tank will try to pick up the pieces as tired horses stagger home.
—Dan Wolken, USA TODAY, 5 May 2023
Instead, the Jaguars (2-1) are left to pick up the pieces and move on after failing to finish off the upset in the Rose Bowl.
—Creg Stephenson | [email protected], al, 18 Sep. 2022
His victims were left to pick up the pieces of their lives and ruined retirements.
—Emily Strohm,, 25 July 2022
So when the Democratic Party caved in on itself that year, Hunt was there in November to pick up the pieces.
—John Archibald | [email protected], al, 25 May 2022
Revenge, and his own death, are both accomplished, and in this version there is no Fortinbras to pick up the pieces.
—Heidi Waleson, WSJ, 18 May 2022
On Monday morning, students at Michigan State will return to class and attempt, as the saying goes, to pick up the pieces.
—Mitch Albom, Detroit Free Press, 19 Feb. 2023
The city’s Chinese residents were left to pick up the pieces on their own and were never compensated for the damage.
—Sarah Kuta, Smithsonian Magazine, 11 Aug. 2022
Meanwhile, others in town are trying to pick up the pieces and keep their households and businesses going.
—Anna Bahney, CNN, 21 Apr. 2023
When tragedy strikes, Isabel must pick up the pieces and keep her family business going, all while dealing with her grief.
—Katie Bowlby, Country Living, 24 Mar. 2023
But Pakistan was left to pick up the pieces — millions of refugees and new sectarian militant groups — when the Soviets and the Americans left in 1989.
—Mallika Sen, ajc, 25 Sep. 2021
Likewise, Morgan’s mother, Eliza, was a powerful role model, since Eliza had to pick up the pieces after Charles’ latest flop.
—Hannah Fish, The Christian Science Monitor, 6 Apr. 2022
Huge swaths of southwest and central Florida were still struggling to pick up the pieces and turn on lights days after Ian blew through their communities last week.
—Kathryn Prociv, NBC News, 3 Oct. 2022
As efforts scale up, organizations like IOM need enterprising partners to join hands and help pick up the pieces.
—Michael Sheldrick, Forbes, 27 Mar. 2023
The bomb cyclone left a trail of dangerous seas, coastal erosion, widespread flooding and wind damage in its wake, but a break in the rain is going to give Bay Area residents a chance to pick up the pieces this morning.
—Gerry Díaz, San Francisco Chronicle, 6 Jan. 2023
While residents try to pick up the pieces, officials are working to piece together the fire’s possible origins.
—Los Angeles Times, 12 May 2022
And as some communities pick up the pieces, others are bracing for potential damage.
—Christina Maxouris, CNN, 27 Mar. 2022
The question now is whether Cohen is a boardroom reformer championing the cause of the little investor or a game playing opportunist about to ‘pump and dump’, leaving Nordstrom and those less fleet-of-foot to pick up the pieces.
—Mark Faithfull, Forbes, 6 Feb. 2023
The pair work together on a nearly foolproof scheme, but when their success threatens to unravel, Winnie disappears again, leaving Ava to pick up the pieces.
—Serena Puang,, 19 June 2022
While the controversy resulted in seven years of litigation in federal court, the young players were branded cheaters and left to pick up the pieces themselves.
—Angelique Jackson, Variety, 25 Jan. 2022
The limited series kicks off with Leni's puzzling disappearance, which leaves Gina to pick up the pieces all while attempting to maintain their secret.
—Christina Dugan Ramirez, Peoplemag, 19 Aug. 2022
The violence is like a tornado or an earthquake: a disaster suffered by all of Derry’s citizens, who pick up the pieces together.
—Joseph Patrick Kelly, The Conversation, 5 Apr. 2023
As the investigation gathers pace on different continents, his widow Siddique is left to pick up the pieces and come to terms with his devastating loss.
—Bethlehem Feleke, CNN, 2 Dec. 2022
The new watches and warnings came as residents in the Mississippi Delta, one of the poorest areas in the nation, struggled to pick up the pieces Monday after Friday evening's violent weather.
—John Bacon, USA TODAY, 27 Mar. 2023
Typically, a police officer will race to a call like this, assess and stabilize the situation, and most likely request an ambulance to take the child away, leaving the family to pick up the pieces.
—Hartford Courant, 3 Jan. 2023
For many of those people, who had just begun to pick up the pieces of their lives by opening small businesses and otherwise putting down tentative roots in Sudan, any hope of regaining a settled existence is now in limbo again.
—Lynsey Chutel, New York Times, 24 Apr. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'pick up the pieces.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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