How to Use minibike in a Sentence
Part of the minibike was lodged under the front portion of the small sedan in the roadway.
—Carol Robinson | [email protected], al, 7 Sep. 2022
In Dumb and Dumber, Lloyd Christmas trades his van for the minibike.
—Ezra Dyer, Popular Mechanics, 12 Sep. 2019
Arnold Schwarzenegger was on TikTok, riding a minibike and chasing a miniature pony.
—Jia Tolentino, The New Yorker, 23 Sep. 2019
Marquis was on a motorcycle minibike when he was struck.
—Carol Robinson | [email protected], al, 7 Sep. 2022
The caller reported a man on a minibike riding around the neighborhood checking out stuff.
—Orange County Register, 12 Jan. 2017
Mama Tried sends motorcycle, moped and minibikes around an oval race track is coated with syrup from Dr Pepper soda.
—Kathy Flanigan, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 22 Feb. 2018
As a boy, Mr. Nordstrom was interested in mechanical things like minibikes and go-karts.
—Suzanne Kapner, WSJ, 2 Jan. 2019
Gordon Massie got his first motorcycle at 11 years old: a tiny minibike with a lawnmower engine that could only reach a top speed of about 20 mph, purchased with his own money.
—Abigail Rosenthal, Chron, 9 Nov. 2022
The video released by Michigan State Police shows Norman riding his pocket motorcycle, also known as a minibike.
—Janelle Griffith, NBC News, 8 Nov. 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'minibike.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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