How to Use hypoxia in a Sentence
The average size of the hypoxia zone in the Gulf over the past five years has been 4,298 square miles.
—Steve Wilson | The Center Square, Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government, 2 Aug. 2024
The start of the hypoxia season is marked by the upwelling of cold bottom water.
—From Usa Today Network and Wire Reports, USA TODAY, 26 July 2021
Darcy was treated for hypoxia – a lack of oxygen in the body – by her owner who held the oxygen mask over the dog’s face.
—Alexandra Deabler, Fox News, 8 July 2018
Nemkov explains that when there are too few red blood cells, there is not enough oxygen getting to the body’s tissues, which can lead to a state referred to as hypoxia.
—Delaney Nothaft, USA TODAY, 4 May 2023
Redmayne spent some time in an oxygen-deprivation tank to get a feel for the effects of hypoxia.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 7 Dec. 2019
But there’s no way to test bodies for a lack of oxygen, or hypoxia, after an accident.
—Sasha Richie, Dallas News, 8 June 2023
The dead zone is an area where there is very little to no oxygen, a situation known as hypoxia, that NOAA says can kill fish and marine life.
—Li Cohen, CBS News, 2 Aug. 2024
Altitude sickness is a mild form of hypoxia, when the tissues of your body don’t receive enough oxygen.
—Katie Hill, Outdoor Life, 14 June 2023
The hypoxia event is unexplained, but not uncommon in the Sound, said Powell, the coastal scientist.
—Anita Lee, ProPublica, 22 Mar. 2023
But investigators are looking at hypoxia, or the lack of oxygen in the body, as a possible cause of the crash, according to a source.
—Gregory Wallace, CNN, 8 June 2023
Hamm’s comment today was not the first to indicate the state was getting close to having a nitrogen hypoxia method ready.
—Mike Cason | [email protected], al, 15 Feb. 2023
If that estimate is accurate, this year's hypoxia zone could be the largest ever.
—Mark Schleifstein,, 20 June 2017
The thin air starves brains and lungs of oxygen, which can develop into the deadly condition hypoxia.
—Helen Regan, CNN, 26 Oct. 2024
As of last night, nitrogen hypoxia as a means of execution is no longer an untested method.
—Mary Kekatos, ABC News, 26 Jan. 2024
When the blood oxygen level is low, while a person is inactive, this is referred to as resting hypoxia.
—Sherry Christiansen Updated, Verywell Health, 5 Nov. 2023
The Helios crash is an example of hypoxia setting in slowly as an aircraft climbs.
—Gregory Wallace, CNN, 8 June 2023
But Marks wrote that Barber failed to request nitrogen hypoxia during a time when the state allowed condemned inmates to make that choice in 2018.
—Mike Cason | [email protected], al, 8 July 2023
This corneal hypoxia can allow infections to fester as well as cause damage the corneal tissue.
—Beth Mole, Ars Technica, 30 Oct. 2019
Tobin said the cause of Floyd's death was hypoxia, or a low level of oxygen that led to asphyxia, or suffocation.
—Eric Ferkenhoff, USA TODAY, 21 Apr. 2021
A lack of oxygen to the brain, called hypoxia, can also result in climbers making rash and sometimes fatal decisions.
—Manveena Suri, CNN, 8 May 2017
Cerebral hypoxia can happen if there is a loss in cabin pressure or the plane reaches too high an altitude.
—Alisha Ebrahimji, CNN, 10 June 2023
Most climbers who are vulnerable to hypoxia at high altitudes will feel it here.
—Tom Stienstra,, 7 June 2019
Pretending your own needs end when your child’s begin is a sure way to die of hypoxia, among other needless suffering.
—Los Angeles Times, 4 Oct. 2021
That can cause a condition called hypoxia, in which a lot of nutrients are deposited into the water.
—Amanda Gokee,, 25 Aug. 2023
Breathing can slow or stop and heroin users can develop a condition known as hypoxia, which means the brain isn’t getting enough oxygen.
—Terry Demio,, 11 Sep. 2017
Cerebral hypoxia – which is when the brain is deprived of oxygen – can happen if a plane reaches too high an altitude or if there is a loss of cabin pressure.
—Lianne Kolirin, CNN, 29 Nov. 2024
But not nearly the level that would lead to hypoxia or other forms of carbon dioxide poisoning, per the Cleveland Clinic.
—Sy Mukherjee, Fortune, 30 June 2020
Even ground crews have been diagnosed with hypoxia symptoms.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 9 Jan. 2018
This process can intensify apneic episodes and hypoxia, which leads to higher blood pressure surges.
—Lana Barhum, Verywell Health, 1 Dec. 2024
If the execution is carried out, nitrogen hypoxia would be the first new method of execution since 1982, when the lethal injection was introduced.
—Nicole Fallert, USA TODAY, 25 Jan. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'hypoxia.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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