How to Use field theory in a Sentence
field theory
In fact, most of us were outsiders to cosmology, doing our main work in the fields of particle physics and quantum-field theory.
—Frank Wilczek, WSJ, 16 Mar. 2018
The link to conformal field theory gave Beilinson and Drinfeld a place to start thinking about how to build a version of Fourier analysis for sheaves.
—Erica Klarreich, Quanta Magazine, 19 July 2024
The first is conformal field theory or CFT which describes particle physics on the smallest quantum scales.
—The Physics Arxiv Blog, Discover Magazine, 5 Dec. 2022
Fischler called him the father of effective field theory.
—, 27 July 2021
The second reason has to do with Weinberg’s effective field theory.
—WIRED, 10 Aug. 2023
On the first day (yesterday, by now), my favorite talk was by Leonardo Senatore on the effective field theory of inflation.
—Sean Carroll, Discover Magazine, 19 Apr. 2011
In this system, the entire region of spacetime is built out of interactions between the components of the quantum system in the conformal field theory.
—Adam Becker, Scientific American, 20 Jan. 2022
But the conformal field theory that linked the monster group to the j-function was just one example of an infinite number of conformal field theories.
—Jordana Cepelewicz, Quanta Magazine, 9 Mar. 2023
The documentary posits a unified field theory of fin de siècle snark, where the nascent internet and the cynical sarcasm of David Letterman combined to form a bitter brew.
—John Kelly, Washington Post, 19 Oct. 2022
Nothing thereafter came close, and his lifelong ambition, a unified field theory, escaped him.
—The Atlantic, 18 Aug. 2019
Kaku, a physicist at the City University of New York and a leading proponent of string field theory, traces the effort to merge relativity and quantum theory, uniting the laws that govern the very large and the very small.
—New York Times, 6 Apr. 2021
To fill in that deeper level, Einstein sought a unified field theory, in which particles derive from structures that look nothing like particles.
—George Musser, Scientific American, 1 Sep. 2015
Adding gravity to the act, the issue featured an essay by Einstein that propounded a comprehensive field theory that would hold physics together.
—Alfred W. McCoy, Scientific American, 18 Aug. 2020
Conformal field theory, geometric entities, before and after that exist only in the head—and, in this despotic head, a big muddle and great confusion.
—Claudio Magris, Harper's Magazine, 25 May 2021
Effective field theory fixes the problem by accounting for the interplay between scales only down to a few times the distance between galaxies.
—Quanta Magazine, 12 Feb. 2014
The couple, working with Luftwerk, a Chicago studio that does large-scale projects for public buildings, added a huge interior light installation inspired by Netsch’s field theory.
—J.s. Marcus, WSJ, 8 Dec. 2021
His textbooks on quantum field theory were a godsend, and his perspectives on the inevitability of quantum field theory and on effective field theory formed the foundation of my picture of the world.
—Quanta Magazine, 12 Aug. 2021
His textbooks on quantum field theory were a godsend, and his perspectives on the inevitability of quantum field theory and on effective field theory formed the foundation of my picture of the world.
—Quanta Magazine, 12 Aug. 2021
My contribution was — along with professor Keiji Kikkawa — to create string field theory, which can summarize string theory in an equation about 1-inch long.
—Alex Orlando, Discover Magazine, 15 Sep. 2021
Quantum field theory, which had been used successfully to explain electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force, wasn’t cutting it, so physicists were eager for something new.
—Paul Sutter, Ars Technica, 27 Jan. 2023
But, strangely, the calculation that came closest used an oversimplified model of the nuclear force—not the chiral effective field theory.
—WIRED, 10 Aug. 2023
Maldacena looked at the conformal field theory describing D-branes without gravity on the one hand and an AdS theory with one more dimension of space, but with gravity, on the other.
—Anil Ananthaswamy, Scientific American, 30 Nov. 2022
Her controversial work with patients with dissociative identity disorder led her to develop a field theory of what makes a killer.
—Washington Post, 18 Nov. 2020
Maldacena looked at the conformal field theory describing D-branes without gravity on the one hand and an AdS theory with one more dimension of space and including gravity on the other.
—Anil Ananthaswamy, Scientific American, 1 Mar. 2023
Quantum field theory depicts discrete particles as excitations in continuous fields that stretch across space and time.
—Thomas Lewton, Wired, 1 Aug. 2021
An effective field theory is a way of using symmetries to sum up the effects of many unknown high-energy effects in a relatively simple low-energy description.
—Sean Carroll, Discover Magazine, 19 Apr. 2011
His reasoning very much follows the Wilsonian effective field theory approach.
—Sean Carroll, Discover Magazine, 7 Feb. 2012
And so physicists have continued to study conformal field theories by looking at their associated modular forms.
—Jordana Cepelewicz, Quanta Magazine, 9 Mar. 2023
Quantum field theory describes particles as excitations in underlying fields, like ripples in a pond.
—Quanta Magazine, 12 Dec. 2022
This is consistent too with the argument that locality must be fundamentally lost: the dual picture is holographic, formulated in terms of field theory degrees of freedom that are projected on the boundary of the space rather than living inside it.
—Sean Carroll, Discover Magazine, 27 Sep. 2012
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'field theory.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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