How to Use duplicity in a Sentence
noun- He exposed the spy's duplicity.
That is even worse — even worse than the pols’ duplicity.
—Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 21 Apr. 2023
And none of this is to say that the Dems’ duplicity is the fault of the Democratic Party or white people.
—Michael Harriot, The Root, 23 Jan. 2018
Hughes told me that the scale of Phillips’s duplicity had surprised her.
—Mike Spies, The New Yorker, 19 June 2019
The release of the audio of Mr. McCarthy’s comments was a rare moment where the duplicity was on display.
—New York Times, 22 Apr. 2022
Her silent duplicity toward Needy—in effect, her gaslighting of Needy—is a matter of life and death.
—Richard Brod, The New Yorker, 1 Sep. 2021
The last, published in 2019, brought his stories of duplicity and deceit into the era of Brexit and Donald Trump.
—Fox News, 14 Dec. 2020
There should be a higher political price to pay for this kind of duplicity, but there rarely is.
—Charles P. Pierce, Esquire, 14 Sep. 2017
Perhaps that’s a sad statement on the abiding nature of duplicity on Wall Street.
—New York Times, 9 May 2018
Jack, meanwhile, has been stewing about Charmaine's duplicity for the whole episode and angrily shows up at her house to talk.
—Sara Netzley,, 7 Sep. 2023
In his work, Wilde considered the question of whether such duplicity added to the sum of his personality or split it in two.
—The New Yorker, 4 Oct. 2021
Rodchenkov’s late-night switching of urine samples at the 2014 Sochi Games was just a snapshot of Russia’s duplicity.
—Juliet MacUr, New York Times, 19 July 2016
The warlock’s pot stocked with hypocrisy calling the kettle brimming with duplicity black.
—Nick Canepacolumnist, San Diego Union-Tribune, 21 May 2022
The attacks that were made and the duplicity and dishonesty of the FBI were totally evident.
—Paul Gattis | [email protected], al, 9 Feb. 2020
The point is not to break relations with Pakistan but to demonstrate that its duplicity will no longer be rewarded.
—Trudy Rubin,, 12 Aug. 2017
But the scam lent itself to duplicity: No one was ever sure who was working with whom, who might be screwing someone else over, or who had started the whole thing.
—Longreads, 5 Mar. 2024
The deceptions and symmetries are standard, but this is the kind of movie that rises or falls on whether the actors can carry the duplicity — and the innocence — aloft.
—Owen Gleiberman, Variety, 1 July 2022
For much of the war, now in its 18th year, Afghans have despaired that duplicity by both sides has eroded Pashtunwali and its notions of honor and respect.
—David Zucchino, New York Times, 10 July 2019
The prospect of duplicity from one of the characters briefly hangs in the air, before being neatly resolved before the closing credits.
—Lovia Gyarkye, The Hollywood Reporter, 6 Apr. 2023
The war has revealed the duplicity of the great powers in dealing with identical things in two different countries.
—Voice Of The People, New York Daily News, 21 Jan. 2024
Some accused Liu of duplicity when dealing with fans in China.
—Washington Post, 9 Feb. 2022
What emerges from filings, public records and interviews are the contours of a life layered with duplicity and mystery.
—Matt Hamilton, Los Angeles Times, 26 Feb. 2024
But the real job of political satire is to expose the hypocrisy, irony and duplicity of our political class.
—Reader Commentary, Baltimore Sun, 17 Jan. 2024
Yet the duplicity and paranoia of the Soviet government haunted the ARA’s operation to the very end.
—The Economist, 9 Nov. 2019
There is a deep dichotomy, a deep duplicity in the human condition.
—The Washington Post, The Mercury News, 16 June 2019
But for Wisner and his agency, duplicity and disinformation weren’t just tools to be used abroad.
—Jason Linkins, The New Republic, 7 Aug. 2021
That duplicity burdens all of their descendants today: There is not enough water for both.
—Doug Struck, The Christian Science Monitor, 18 Oct. 2021
White duplicity and betrayal drive the plot of each of these films, and none of them features a savior who might allow a white audience to preserve their innocence.
—Jonathan W. Gray, The New Republic, 21 Apr. 2021
Newly aware of his subordinate’s duplicity, Masa charges at Yuki from his seat among his look-alikes in the audience.
—Chris Klimek, Vulture, 28 Aug. 2024
Rather than examine Berg’s many duplicities, or the context for his behavior, Children of God gives his victims a platform to work through their trauma.
—Declan Gallagher,, 31 July 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'duplicity.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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