How to Use baddie in a Sentence
But the baddie is on to them and soon, the three are on the run.
—Kaely Monahan, The Arizona Republic, 5 June 2024
The main agent of evil, the baddie, in that play is called Aaron.
—National Geographic, 30 Oct. 2016
And the ladies’ guide through the tough world of baddie-busting?
—Mary Sollosi,, 27 June 2019
This bag is for the 9 to 5 baddie, the woman with things to do and places to be.
—Kerane Marcellus, Essence, 15 Dec. 2022
Big baddie Thanos wants all the Stones and the Avengers must stop him from getting them.
—Troy L. Smith,, 24 Apr. 2018
The thing that upsets me in movies is when the baddies all just get slaughtered.
—Jen Yamato, Detroit Free Press, 1 Feb. 2018
Porkalob chose the role of Rutledge, a baddie with a big number.
—Jennifer Schuessler, New York Times, 18 Oct. 2022
The city is up for grabs, and every baddie is eager to make his name.
—Inkoo Kang, The New Yorker, 7 Aug. 2023
Maya Rudolph has no problem taking on the role of a baddie.
—Julie Jordan, Peoplemag, 9 Nov. 2022
At the end of that movie, baddie Thanos snapped his fingers and destroyed half of all life in the universe.
—Eliana Dockterman, Time, 6 July 2018
As our collective fears shift, so do the baddies that stand in for them.
—Hazlitt, 19 June 2024
And then there's the Seanchan, the big baddies from book two who show up for real in the show's second episode.
—Andrew Cunningham & Lee Hutchinson, Ars Technica, 1 Sep. 2023
The baddie has to have something humanizing in him, and the hero has to have some flaws.
—Alex Barasch, The New Yorker, 28 Jan. 2024
What Kids Like: Kevin's ingenuity saves the day and puts the baddies away.
—Suelain Moy, Parents, 14 June 2024
The space will be an expansion to the park and feature rides and more all themed to Disney baddies.
—Megan Dubois, Forbes, 23 Sep. 2024
In a video game, that translates to a more difficult baddie to beat.
—Ian Bogost, The Atlantic, 29 Jan. 2023
Yes, Mac and Melba will try to kill you like any other Claws baddie.
—Ariana Romero,, 8 June 2019
The good-humored cast is endearing all round, even the baddies.
—Deborah Young, The Hollywood Reporter, 30 June 2017
The true baddies are far more sinister than the greedy conman.
—Kaely Monahan, The Arizona Republic, 29 Mar. 2023
Only Gadot briefly gets to cut loose as a vamping baddie.
—Scott Mendelson, Forbes, 4 Nov. 2021
The baddie this go-round is Adrian Toomes, aka the Vulture, played by the aforementioned Keaton.
—David Frese,, 5 July 2017
And by nature of having very little to lose, the cast weren’t scared of being seen as baddies.
—Louis Staples, Rolling Stone, 24 May 2023
The vamp-like baddie fights Zoro with only a knife—and handily beats our hero.
—William Goodman, Men's Health, 5 Sep. 2023
Crash figures out who the true baddies are with a bit of help from Daisy’s assistant Nell Burns.
—Jean Marie Brown,, 4 July 2017
The rakish law man would chase a baddie across Kentucky back roads and trailer parks.
—Stephen Rodrick, Variety, 17 July 2023
Waving a white handkerchief, Red steps into view of Sven and Zhang and urges the baddies to stay calm.
—Tanya Melendez,, 24 Apr. 2023
The Mustang is playing the role of the rich baddie in this story, and a look at the pricing shows the monetary gulf between the two.
—Elana Scherr, Car and Driver, 27 June 2022
There’s no question that there’s a baddie out there that has yet to surface, and episode 7 got us closer to the big reveal.
—Chris Smith, BGR, 1 Oct. 2022
But again, some sort of Ursula 2.0-type baddie isn’t why people will be flocking to this by the thousands.
—David Fear, Rolling Stone, 26 Nov. 2024
After busting up some live-streaming baddies, Parker takes their phone and turns the camera on them tied up in a web.
—Jack Dunn, Variety, 29 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'baddie.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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