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Words that Rhyme with explorers
2 syllables
3 syllables
- restorers
- adorers
- abhorrers
- ash borers
- birch borers
- bog borers
- bull-roarers
- cane borers
- corn borers
- deplorers
- elm borers
- enhorrors
- grain borers
- ignorers
- jig borers
- moth borers
- oak borers
- palm borers
- peach borers
- pear borers
- pin borers
- pine borers
- pod borers
- pole borers
- rice borers
- rock borers
- root borers
- rumorers
- rumourers
- sack borers
- sand borers
- ship borers
- shot borers
- snail borers
- spruce borers
- squash borers
- stalk borers
- stem borers
- stone borers
- tap borers
- tea borers
- thesaurers
- twig borers
- vapourers
- vine borers
- wharf borers
- wood borers
- wool scourers
4 syllables
- bamboo borers
- bean-pod borers
- bronze birch borers
- chestnut borers
- currant borers
- dogwood borers
- flathead borers
- iris borers
- linden borers
- locust borers
- maple borers
- naumkeag scourers
- old house borers
- peach tree borers
- peach twig borers
- peach-bark borers
- pinhole borers
- poplar borers
- privet borers
- refectorers
- rice stalk borers
- ring-tailed roarers
- shot-hole borers
- squash vine borers
- tanbark borers
- timber borers
- walnut borers
- willow borers
- wine-cask borers
- yucca borers
5 syllables
- accretion borers
- apple tree borers
- apple twig borers
- chamber of horrors
- clover root borers
- flatheaded borers
- hickory borers
- horror of horrors
- increment borers
- lead cable borers
- lesser grain borers
- ponderous borers
- powder-post borers
- red coffee borers
- red-necked cane borers
- roundheaded borers
- strawberry borers
- sugarcane borers
- turpentine borers
- western peach borers
6 syllables
- banana root borers
- hickory bark borers
- lesser cornstalk borers
- lesser peach tree borers
- potato stalk borers
- raspberry cane borers
- raspberry root borers
- southern cornstalk borers
- southwestern corn borers
- strawberry crown borers
- strawberry root borers
- sugar-maple borers
- sweet-potato borers
- two-lined chestnut borers