Words to Describe commentary
Things commentary often describes ("commentary ________")
- mag
- note
- series
- september
- one
- piece
- discussion
- writers
- rule
- magazine
- disposition
- notes
- comment
- function
- provisions
- points
- june
- reference
- chapter
- pages
- guiding
- notice
- loc
- july
- section
- having
- subparagraph
- text
- john
- deals
- uses
- enforcement
- line
- provision
- criminology
- may
- first
- review
- tradition
- essay
- states
- articles
- sources
- introduction
- contractors
- volume
- owners
- will
- type
- the
- january
- art
- case
- references
- attempts
- symposium
- questions
- march
- music
- terms
- october
- reports
- table
- thereon
- category
- synopsis
- students
- page
- article
- subject
- paragraph
How commentary often is described ("________ commentary")
- useful
- rabbinic
- popular
- negative
- ironic
- explicit
- biblical
- official
- comprehensive
- much
- political
- century
- authorial
- latin
- philosophical
- explanatory
- eloquent
- additional
- famous
- contemporary
- volume
- sad
- excellent
- sufficient
- accompanying
- striking
- historical
- exhaustive
- interesting
- expert
- further
- anonymous
- short
- practical
- best
- lengthy
- critical
- scholarly
- oral
- helpful
- editorial
- perceptive
- insightful
- authoritative
- social
- detailed
- valuable
- learned
- recent
- extended
- earliest
- curious
- over
- illuminating
- word
- continuous
- textual
- complete
- thoughtful
- literary
- academic
- strange
- extensive
- elaborate
- verbal
- brief
- theological