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American public schools serve lunch to nearly 30 million students daily, and many depend on Styrofoam trays and other single-use plasticware to do so.—Hollie Stephens, Fortune, 10 Oct. 2022 Other than the essentials such as plasticware or chairs, there are other products that may not immediately come to mind or are just better version of the things that do (like grills or corn holes).—Josie Howell | [email protected], al, 31 Aug. 2022 There’s even prominent placement on the Tupperware site noting the pioneering plasticware used in the series.—Michael Goldstein, Forbes, 9 June 2022 Most affect the government and trash collection companies, but residents might notice one: Restaurants will be barred by law from simply giving out plasticware with every meal.—Washington Post, 31 Dec. 2021 See All Example Sentences for plasticware