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While a well-balanced bedtime snack can support sleep and muscle recovery, overeating or consuming certain foods can lead to discomfort, poor sleep, and metabolic disruptions.—Lauren Panoff, Mph, Rd, Verywell Health, 28 Feb. 2025 They’ve also been linked to numerous health issues from metabolic disorders to low sperm count.—Katherine Hignett, Forbes, 25 Feb. 2025 For women in midlife, there’s a distinct urgency, as our shifting hormones usher in fresh health concerns—bone loss, heart disease, metabolic conditions—compelling us to raise our wellness game (now!): to eat smarter, train harder, lift heavier.—Jolene Edgar, Allure, 11 Feb. 2025 Exercise and metabolic health: beyond skeletal muscle Discover Magazine.—Allison Futterman, Discover Magazine, 13 Feb. 2025 See All Example Sentences for metabolic
Word History
borrowed from German metabolisch, borrowed from Greek metabolikós "changeable, subject to change," from metabolḗ "change, transition" (from metabol-, stem in noun derivation of metabállein "to put into a different position, turn about, change, alter," from meta-meta- + bállein "to reach by throwing, let fly, strike, put, place") + -ikos-ic entry 1 — more at devil entry 1
The term was introduced by the German physiologist Theodor Schwann (1810-82) in Die Mikroskopischen Untersuchungen über die Uebereinstimmung in der Struktur und dem Wachsthum der Thiere und Pflanzen (Berlin, 1839), p. 229: "Die Frage über die Grundkraft der Organismen reducirt sich also auf die Frage über die Grundkräfte der einzelnen Zellen. Wir müssen nun die allgemeinen Erscheinungen der Zellenbildung betrachten, um zu finden, welche Kräfte man zur Erklärung derselben in den Zellen voraussetzen muss. Diese Erscheinungen lassen sich unter zwei natürlichen Gruppen bringen: Erstens Erscheinungen, die sich auf die Zusammenfügung der Moleküle zu einer Zelle beziehn; man kann sie die plastischen Erscheinungen der Zellen nennen; zweitens Erscheinungen, die sich auf chemische Veränderungen, sowohl der Bestandtheile der Zelle selbst, als des umgebenden Cytoblastems beziehn; diese kann man metabolische Erscheinungen nennen (τὸ μεταβολικὸν [sic] was Umwandlung hervorzubringen oder zu erleiden geneigt ist)." — "The question, then, as to the fundamental powers of organized bodies resolves itself into that of the fundamental powers of the individual cells. We must now consider the general phenomena attending the formation of cells, in order to discover what powers may be presumed to exist in the cells to explain them. These phenomena may be arranged in two natural groups: first, those which relate to the combination of the molecules to form a cell, and which may be denominated the plastic phenomena of the cells; secondly, those which result from chemical changes either in the component particles of the cell itself, or in the surrounding cytoblastema [fluid held to be the formative substance from which cells arise], and which may be called metabolic phenomena (tò metabolikòn, implying that which is liable to occasion or to suffer change)." (Microscopical Researches into the Accordance in the Structure and Growth of Animals and Plants, translator Henry Smith, London, 1847).